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Guest Book 

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Name: Barb Dettler
Date: 10/18/2015
Message: Love your pencil works and your flower paintings are fantastic.

Name: Erika
Date: 02/19/2013
Message: Beautiful, Lisa!

Name: tammy leabch
Date: 10/07/2012
Message: They are beautiful Lisa! Stunning!

Name: Tammy Leabch
Date: 10/07/2012
Message: Hi Lisa! It was nice to chat with you last night at the birthday party. I'm on your website to check out some of your work :) Tammy

Name: Audley Hitchins
Date: 08/15/2012
Message: Your animals are particularly endearing. Splendid works.

Name: Gary Kronbeck
Date: 08/11/2012
Message: Fabsolutely Abulous work!

Name: Joyce
Date: 06/02/2012
Message: Beautiful pictire:-)

Name: Gary Kronbeck
Date: 04/20/2012
Message: Very very good work. I talked to you at Inez yesterday, April 19.

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Clearwater, MN 55320 | 320-316-1260
Copyright 2007  Creative Reflections and Lisa Molitor  All rights reserved
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